25 Vagnini Court, Lively ON P3Y 1K8

Better Jobs Ontario Funding

Better Jobs Ontario Funding

Better Jobs Ontario Funding

Better Jobs Ontario was formerly called the Second Career program.

This program is to better help people who may face challenges finding stable jobs such as gig workers, youth and people on social assistance. If you have been unemployed for six months or longer, and are part of a low-income household, you may benefit from these changes.  

To learn more about Better Jobs Ontario, read the information on this webpage and contact an employment service provider in your area.

Better Jobs Ontario provides eligible applicants with:
skills training for in-demand jobs, financial support.
You can apply for up to $28,000 for costs.

Read about more funding options here https://natt.ca/funding-options/ or speak with Shannon  today 1-800-719-9334 ext 600, or text 705-561-1464.